Teacher’s Salary | Ministry Partner Grant




When you donate to the Joysprings Educational Centre Teacher’s Salary Grant you help to ensure well-deserving teachers receive their earned income, can provide for their families with peace of mind, and can walk into the classroom with confidence to sow into the next generation of students in Kibera, Kenya.

This grant meets the following criteria as outlined in the Alabaster Foundation Criteria for Ministry Partnership:

  • Joysprings Education Centre is actively working to expand the Kingdom of God through the active and daily discipleship of both their students and staff.

  • The Wanyama family are full-time missionaries living and serving in Kenya.

  • Joysprings Education Centre has provided documentation on their legal formation with the Kenyan Government.

Our Goal is to raise $25,080 to fund the payment of 2024 school year salaries for the Joysprings Educational Centre’s entire staff (303,000 KSH per month).

At the current exchange rate of approximately 125-140 (KSH) to $1 (USD) , this equates to about $2,280 (USD) per month during the eleven month school year.

The 2023 grant is fully funded!


Line Drawing - Student

Only 30% of Joysprings students can afford their tuition each month.

Joysprings Educational Centre’s operating budget is funded through tuition. When students, living in extreme poverty, cannot pay their tuition fees the school’s electricity bills, water bills, staff salaries and the like go unpaid. This grant, ensures that the Joysprings leadership team can redirect tuition received from students to cover utilities, teaching supplies and infrastructure.

The Story Is In The Details.

Project Impact

Meet the Joysprings Staff

Joysprings Educational Centre - Director - Charles Okoth Wanyama

Charles Wanyama | Director

Joysprings Educational Centre - Administrator - Mercy Okoth Wanyama

Mercy Wanyama | Administrator

Joysprings Educational Centre - IT Manager - Jessy Okoth Wanyama
Joysprings Educational Centre - Head Teacher - George Onyango

George Onyango | Head Teacher

Joysprings Educational Center - Deputy Head Teacher - Beatrice Oluoch
Joysprings Educational Center - Academic Teacher - Mary Auma

Mary Auma | Academic Teacher

Joysprings Educational Centre - Teacher - Jedidah Awuor
Joysprings Educational Centre - Titus Waore - Teacher & Office Assistant

Titus Waore | Teacher & Office Assistant

Pauline Atieno | PP2 Teacher

Joysprings Educational Centre - Eleanor Khalai - G2 Teacher

Eleanor Khalai | G2 Teacher

Joysprings Educational Centre - Mary Adhiambo - G3 Teacher
Joysprings Educational Centre - Eunifresher Sambaya - Teacher

Eunifresher Sambaya | Teacher

Joysprings Educational Centre - Anne Navangala - Teacher

Nixon Teka Butiya | Teacher

Joysprings Educational Centre - Lambert Okoth - Grounds Staff & Security

Lambert Okoth | Grounds Staff & Security

Deborah Kendi | Cook

Anne Navangala | Teacher

Mary Adhiambo | G3 Teacher

Sophia Adoyo Abok | G1 Teacher

Jershua Bonareri | PP1 Teacher

Jedidah Awuor | Teacher

Beatrice Oluoch | Deputy Head Teacher

Jesse Wanyama | IT Director

Rose Wanyama | Direcor