Guatemalan Boys Orphanage | Ministry Partner Grant



When you donate to the Guatemalan Boys Orphanage Ministry Partner Grant you help to send a two person team from Care & Company to Guatemala to minister at a boys orphanage. While serving in Antigua, Care & Company will be distributing complete hygiene kits and clothing to sixty orphaned boys and sharing the comforting love of Christ with them. This grant will cover airfare, transport of supplies, ground transportation, accommodations, hygiene kit materials and clothing for the boys.

This grant meets the following criteria as outlined in the Alabaster Foundation Criteria for Ministry Partnership:

  • Care & Company is actively working to expand the Kingdom of God in California and in the nations through chaplaincy, prayer, evangelism and distribution of food and essential items.

  • Care & Company is lead by full-time missionary Vicki Brobeck who serves the community as a chaplain with the Montclair Police Department and pastor for those in crisis.

  • Care & Company has provided documentation demonstrating their current non-profit status with the IRS.

Our Goal is to raise $2,500 for Care & Company by September 1, 2024 to fund their outreach in Guatemala.

This grant is fully funded!

Meet the Team.

Project Impact

Guatemala has over 500,000 orphans who face severe poverty and vulnerability. The rural regions of the nation have more than a 68% poverty rate and offer little access to education or nutrition. As a result, families who are too poor to care for their children may abandon them or send them to orphanages as an alternative to forced child labor, recruitment to gangs or human trafficking rings. Guatemala has more than 150 public and private orphanages, and children can live there for months or years, even over a decade.

Care & Company is impacting this issue head on. Vicki and Ana will significantly impact the lives of 60 young boys by not only providing essential personal hygiene supplies but by ministering through the Spirit to communicate the love and hope held in the Gospel.

This project ensures the boys that these young sons know they are valued and remembered, both by others and by God.

Caring Is The Mission.