The Alabaster Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. Under this criteria all donations are tax deductible and are released to the discretion of the organization. 

The Alabaster Foundation board of directors is committed to stewarding this discretion in such a way as to ensure donations given to specific ministry projects are sent directly to the ministry. If for any reason a project becomes over-funded, completed before designated donations can be used or otherwise modified, the board of directors will inform donors of the change in status and will offer to: 

  1. Redirect donations to the Alabaster Foundation general fund and/or another ministry project

  2. Refund donations

We work to ensure donors are fully informed and aware of how their donations are used. We consistently strive for the highest grades available for accountability and transparency.

Our founders would be happy to schedule meetings with you to answer any further questions you might have.

Our Philosophy
