Middle East Prayer House | Ministry Partner Grant



When you donate to the Middle East Prayer House Ministry Partner Grant you help to send full-time missionaries Willy, Sofia, Daniela and Valeria Menendez to the nations of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Turkey. While serving in the Middle East, Familia Menendez will be sustaining existing prayer houses through Biblically led intercession and worship, training new workers to lead in the prayer houses and will be teaching the teams on the significance of establishing houses of prayer in specific geographical locations (1 Chronicles 5). Finally, while traveling throughout the Middle East they will be asking for the Lord to lead them to a home for future use as a permanent house of prayer and training center for missionaries from around the world to minister in the Middle East. This grant will go towards travel, accommodations, and training expenses.

This grant meets the following criteria as outlined in the Alabaster Foundation Criteria for Ministry Partnership:

  • Familia Menendez is actively working to expand the Kingdom of God through evangelsim, intercession and training of workers in the prayer houses.

  • Familia Menedez has dedicated their lives to interceding for the world, especially nations who are unreached with the gospel.

  • The Menendez family are full-time missionaries living and serving in Guatemala, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Turkey and the Netherlands.

  • Familia Menedez is serving under the leadership and oversight of an established church in Guatemala and has a fundraising account with a third party missionary accountant based in the USA.

Our Goal is to raise $1,800 for Familia Menendez by September 15, 2024 to fund the last leg of their 52 day journey through the Middle East.

This grant is fully-funded!

The Power of Prayer.

Missional Scriptures

PSALM 27:4

One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the
house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Trip Itinerary.

Vision For
The Middle East

We have a vision to move to the Middle East whenever the Lord says “go now”. 

Our heart for Muslims and Jews has grown so much in the past few years. Our passion to serve these groups has led us to realize our vision for training missionaries who will sustain prayer houses in the Middle East. We want to open many houses of prayer that the land in the Middle East is continually covered in prayer and so we can have a personal connection point into the nations the Lord has chosen.

Our dream is to see many missionaries go to these unreached areas so that the Gospel can open the eyes of Muslims and so they can love Jesus. We feel called to serve as a “bridge” between Muslims and Jews. We know that the Lord has called to us unite Arabs and Jews. We intentionally contend in intercession for this ask the Lord to position us as a channel of reconcilliation by His Spirit.

Many of these nations do not permit missionaries. However, we know our gift of providing medicine and care can be used as a “key” to enter countries in the Middle East where we otherwise would not be welcomed. We have thought and prayed through the idea of entering countries as doctors in order to help people who are in need and to bring Jesus to them.

We don’t know when the Lord will ask us to move, but we want to be ready when the time comes.

-Willy & Sofia

Pray For

- Direction During Intercession

- Wisdom as they lead others

- Protection in more challenging locations for the entire family

- Open ears to the Lord’s voice

- Good sleep while in oppressive nations

- Good health for the entire team

- Open doors for long term ministry and clarity from the Lord

- Continued provision

- Rest

- Fruit in the Spirit over each location